3D-FTP v8.0.3

3D-FTP это навороченный FTP-менеджер, имеющий кучу достоинств: - мультипоточный трансферный движок. - Синхронизация директорий. - Поддержка файрволлов, скинов. Мощный FTP-клиент со своеобразным внешним видом. В наличии большое кол-во скинов, которые можно скачать с сайта производителя. Содержит стандартный набор функций: докачка файлов, поиск наиболее скоростного узла, мониторинг процесса передачи файлов, быстрый доступ к наиболее часто посещаемым сайтам, система поиска, поддержка функции drag-and-drop operations, закачка по расписанию.

3D-FTP is a lightning-fast FTP Client software for transferring files between your computer and FTP Servers. 3D-FTP uses the MultiWire transfer engine to accelerate file transfers by automatically transferring multiple files simultaneously, in parallel.
3D-FTP 8.0 Features at a Glance
- Multithreaded transfers
- Background transfers
- Folder synchronization
- Bookmarks
- Recurring scheduling
- Custom commands with macros
- Autoresume and Autoreconnect
- Session and Transfer logging
- Remote editor
- Site Manager with Import
- Folder total size with Tree view
- Print directory listings
- Selectable Themes to customize looks
- Automatic compression with MODE Z
- Unlimited file size support for files over 4GB+
- Full Windows Vista support
Обновления v8.0.3
- FIXED: Bug: Sometimes connect fails on servers supporting compression (MODE Z)
- FIXED: Bug (on vista & w2k): Sometimes clicking "run test" on site manager caused crash
- FIXED: Bug: Right click on file pane toolbar > Runtime error '0' > crash
- FIXED: Bug: Local file selections were lost when files were being transferred to current folder
- FIXED: Bug: In settings, connected sound setting was not properly saved
- FIXED: Bug: Contact support form looks for 3dftp.log in wrong directory (add text box with path to this dialog to make it easier to locate it)
- FIXED: Bug: Registering and Settings window help-button does not work
- FIXED: Bug: On vista, pressing help button on settings/register window might crash the app
- CHANGED: Updated Buy now links
- CHANGED: Change help file to point to 3dftp.com, instead of sitedesigner.com in external links
Скачать 3D-FTP v8.0.3 (8.92 МБ):