
Программа, предназначенная для настройки параметров и оптимизации работы Windows. Требуется лишь указать операционную систему, производителя процессора (Intel, AMD) и нажать кнопку "GO". После применения данной программы скорость работы приложений в среде Windows заметно возрастёт.

PCMedik 6 sets the standard for PC repair and optimization software. One of the first and most comprehensive products to increase computer performance, it increases overall speed and squeezes out every last bit of performance your computer is capable of. PCMedik also locates and repairs problems with software and hardware incompatibilities which lead to loss of computer performance and stability. Very easy to use, fully compliant with the latest versions of Microsoft ® Windows and brings new life to your computer. Take your existing computer and revitalize it the easy way.
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