AbiWord 2.7.8

Вышла новая версия AbiWord - бесплатной и в тоже время негромоздкой альтернативы популярного Word из семейства Microsoft Office. Программа позволяет набирать и форматировать тексты, рисовать таблицы, вставлять изображения, распечатывать документы...
AbiWord is a multi-platform word processor that combines state-of-the-art usability, powerful features, and excellent interoperability. Furthermore, it features a powerful framework for supporting custom extensions on cwer.ws.
AbiWord v2.7.8 Changelog
- Bug 10692: Hang when inserting a table over a footnote (Martin Sevior)
- Enable table line drags for embedded versions of AbiWord (Martin Sevior)
- Fix some editing issues with annotations (Martin Sevior)
- Improve the handling of documents that contain page breaks in columns (Martin Sevior)
GUI (Windows)
- Bug 2468: Disable the OK button in the bookmark dialog when the bookmark name is empty (sum1)
- Bug 12188: Implement an "enable overwrite mode" option on Windows (sum1)
Development (Windows)
- Bug 12215: Fix some mismatched deallocations in Windows code (Ryan Pavlik)
- Add the OpenWriter, Paint, and S5 plug-ins to the VC++ build (Marc Maurer)
Скачать AbiWord 2.7.8 (7,90 МБ):
Selencko 03/08/09 Просмотров: 4577
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